What is the S.H.A.P.E. (Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences) initiative about?
Let me share this renewed concept from two authors, Erik Rees (2006) and Ellen White (1858). Erik Rees took Warrens’ concept of S.H.A.P.E. from the book, The Purpose Driven Life, and expanded it into a new model to help Christians find their life purpose by using their Spiritual Gift(s). The often-used Spiritual Gifts Inventory test was retooled into this expanded version that included four other categories. Today, many Christian leaders use the S.H.A.P.E. method to help their upcoming leaders find their role within the fellowship they serve in. White’s (1858) insight on the role and promise of the Holy Spirit as a continuationist into the NT era is unique in several areas. First, she writes, “There is no limitation; the promise seems to run parallel with the great commission to preach the gospel, and to reach the last believer.” In addition, “we are informed that God hath set, placed, or fixed, certain spiritual gifts in the church. In the absence of any scriptural proof that he has removed or abolished them; we must think they were intended to remain.” Thus, White links the practice of the early church concerning the promise of spiritual gifts, and the indwelling of the Spirit as a process that will continue until the second Advent. Second, White (1858) encourages us to restore the original system God designed for His church. She comments, “Consequently the gifts were only lost through apostasy, and will be revived with the revival of primitive faith and practice.” My thought on this matter is absolutely in synch with White, that we need to reinstitute the former biblical practice of inclusion of the gifts of the Spirit into our church’s modus operandi.